Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Closer and closer

I'm getting closer to finding a place to live, and Steve and Joel are getting closer to Chile!

I've got a couple of appointments to visit some places, one tomorrow, another on Saturday when my guys are here, and hopefully, another one Monday. I've found several places on portalinmobiliario.cl  and economicos.cl (which are free classifieds for El Mercurio). One of the places I'm going to visit is through contactchile.cl. Now that I'm down here, and have seen prices, I feel that contactchile's prices are quite a bit higher, as they are targeting foreigners.

None of the apartments come with a dog like this place does:

I'll be headed to Santiago tomorrow afternoon, and am planning on leaving everything but a change of clothes here at my hostel in Viña. Patrico, my host said it would be no problem, which really helps out a lot. I could not imagine hauling 80 pounds of luggage back to Santiago, then return with it and everything Steve and Joel are bringing in. So since my computer is staying behind, I may not post tomorrow. I will let everyone know when the rest of the family gets here, though.

If will be so good to see them, I can't wait :-) 

From New Year's Eve 2014. 
No, that is NOT champagne that Joel is drinking!

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