So, now that I've been teaching at PUCV for a while, I thought it long overdue to show you my great students! They kindly consented to let me put pictures of them up online. In the first 4 pictures they are working on a small-group activity in class earlier in the semester. I know it was on a Wednesday, because of the room-I meet with this class 5 times a week, in a different classroom each time. In addition to being really nice, smart people, they are gorgeous too, don't you think?
Last week we went outside so the students could each produce a piece of artwork (they did rubbings, AKA frottage). The unit we are currently working on is based on modern art-we started it with each student selecting an artist to research and write a biography about and do a presentation of their artists. I got a brainstorm while listening to the presentation about Max Ernst, a surrealist artist who developed frottage. I thought the next thing we should do was to do something artistic, and rubbings can allow anyone to do that. There was some resistance at first, because so many of us think we aren't artistically inclined. But most of the students' changed their minds, and found they enjoyed doing this activity. They produced some really great pieces, too-I wish I could show them to you.
After the art came some writing-each student wrote about her or his piece, then they selected one of their peers' work to write about. Then I got food poisoning, and had to cancel class for two days. We'll continue with this unit next week before moving on to our last one, which will be about the environment.