No, this post is not about cats. It is about my colleagues!

As I wind down my stay here, I want to reiterate how much I loved working with these folks. Above, Monica and Isabela (whom you can't see yet, since she's still a few months away from being born). Right,
my mentor, Ricardo and Ana Maria, one of the secretaries who helped me so much.
Below, Katharina, showing off some books I gave her for her girls.
Monica's office mate, Mariana, who along with Ricardo, Monica and Katherina were my lunch bunch. We really had fun at lunch, which was one of the highlights of my stay here. We were quite an international group, too: Colombian, Chilean, German and Estadounidense.
And Millaray, my kind, welcoming office mate who taught me so much. She helped me understand what the heck was going on when I couldn't figure things out, and we had fun exchanging idioms in Spanish and English.
I'll miss all of you so much!
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